The bureaucracy in the Political Science

Exploratory scientometric analysis of SciELO and Qualis indexed articles


  • Rodolfo de Camargo Lima Universidad Católica de Temuco



Bureaucracy, Political Science, Networks, SciELO, Qualis


The paper maps exploratorily articles about bureaucracy in Brazil indexed on SciELO and Political Science and International Relations (PS&IR) Qualis CAPES evaluation categories. Using both scientific platforms, I built a dataset from 1963 to 2022 containing 446 papers. Scientometrics analysis technics supported checking the field productivity and frequencies, and I also applied bibliometric network software for the titles, abstracts, keywords co-occurrences, and coauthorship. The findings have shown high productivity in the 2010s, with a publishing peak in 2020. The papers stand on the top of the Qualis index, one-third in the "A1" classification. Within this category, Revista de Sociologia e Política and Revista de Administração Pública both have one-quarter of the Brazilian production in PS&IR. Typical conceptual and analytical terms emerged using text network analysis to titles and abstracts. On the other hand, the keyword network displayed two large sets of clusters compatible with the comparative and international literature, plus new themes appeared. Lastly, the coauthorship network structures itself between authors from IPEA and FGV-SP. These initial results present one first exploratory mapping of the Brazilian bureaucracy literature.

Author Biography

Rodolfo de Camargo Lima, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Profesor Asistente de Ciencia Política - Departamento de Sociología, Ciencia Política y Administración Pública, Universidad Católica de Temuco (UC Temuco), La Araucanía, Chile. E-mail:


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How to Cite

LIMA, R. de C. The bureaucracy in the Political Science: Exploratory scientometric analysis of SciELO and Qualis indexed articles. Revista Agenda Política, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 138–156, 2023. DOI: 10.31990/agenda.2022.2.6. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.