Interview with Barbara Geddes

Bureaucracy and the Functioning of Democratic Institutions


  • Nayara Albrecht UFSCar
  • Mariele Troiano Universidade Federal Fluminense



bureaucracy, state, public policies, democracy, institutions


Professor Barbara Geddes is one of the most-cited authors of works on bureaucracy and comparative studies. She is professor emerita at the Department of Political Science of the University of California (Los Angeles) and has a large experience in investigating Latin-American countries. Throughout her career, she explored a varied range of themes, such as democratization, regime transition, and bureaucratic reform. This interview sought to discuss several topics related to the politicization of bureaucracy and its relationship with democratic regimes. We asked Barbara for her views on the relationship between public bureaucracy and the functioning of democratic institutions with a focus on contemporary regimes. 


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Como Citar

ALBRECHT, N.; TROIANO, M. . Interview with Barbara Geddes: Bureaucracy and the Functioning of Democratic Institutions. Revista Agenda Política, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 259–281, 2023. DOI: 10.31990/agenda.2022.2.11. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.